Spiro's 68 Firebird

The Magazine Feature Story #5 https://classiccarsworldwide.com.au LEAVE YOUR TROUBLES AND WORRIES BEHIND AND ENJOY EVERY BIT OF THE CRUISE! - Spiro Ellul talks about his award winning 1968 Pontiac Firebird Spiro Ellul (55 years old) talks excitedly to Classic Cars Worldwide about his pride and joy, a vibrant red 1968 Pontiac Firebird. Spiro grew up in the north western suburbs of Melbourne in the 70’s and 80’s and from an early age has always had a passion for cars. He says “I’ve been interested in cars all my life. It was drummed into me as a child through my father who was a huge Rev Head and loved big American cars.” Spiro currently works at Custom Body Repairs and his experience no doubt came in handy for his extensive restoration of the Pontiac. Spiro’s first car was an HR Holden Wagon and his current normal car is a VESS HSV. Classic cars and an amazing find! Spiro’s first classic car was a 1965 Chev Impala convertible before he moved...