Rays 73 HQ Ute

The Magazine Feature Story #12 https://classiccarsworldwide.com.au THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE AND BEST PAINTWORK - 2.0 MEGA SHOW & SHINE CAR & BIKE SHOW 2022. RAY O’BRIEN TALKS ABOUT HIS DOUBLE AWARD-WINNING 1973 HQ HOLDEN UTE By the narrowest of margins, one vote, 48 year old Ray O’Brien won the People’s Choice Award at the 2.0 Mega Show & Shine Car & Bike Show held in Scoresby, Victoria on 13 th March 2022. It was a hot day and a hotly contested vote, and Ray won the day over a very high standard of great classic cars on display. The paintwork on his stunning green HQ Holden Ute was also judged best on the day. Ray is married, his wife Jacinta is also a car enthusiast, and they live in Bundoora, Victoria. He is currently employed as a Head Spray Painter at a smash shop in Fawkner. He has been spray painting since he was 15 years old, which no doubt over the years has helped him achieve the fabulous high quality of work he...