63 EH Grizz's Holden Premier

Classic Cars Worldwide Feature #19 PETER ADAMS ‘GRIZZ’ TALKS ABOUT HIS TROPHY WINNING 1963 EH PREMIER SEDAN “GREAT TO DRIVE AND RESPONSIVE” https://classiccarsworldwide.com.au “I started my working life as a motor mechanic and have always tinkered with cars” says 70 years old Peter Adams. Peter, now retired, has been married to Helen ‘Haych’ (also retired) for 49 years and they have three children and eight grandchildren. Peter worked for the Forest Commission as a mechanic and grader operator for about 20 years. He has also worked in the logging in Victoria, mining in Western Australia and then a grader operator on pipelines all over Australia. Grizz Peter has been retired for five years and can now enjoy his love of old cars. He has the unusual nickname of ‘Grizz’. He explains how it all started. “It came about at my workplace on the pipelines. One fella called out for ‘Peter’ over the two-way radio and five people answered! He decided to give me a...