56 Chevy 210 Wagon

The Magazine Feature Story #16 https://classiccarsworldwide.com.au “COOL AND DIFFERENT AND A PLEASURE TO DRIVE” DEAN CARMODY TALKS ABOUT HIS 1956 CHEVY 210 WAGON. A 15 YEAR BUILD WITH STYLE AND CARE. Dean Carmody, married with three daughters, runs his family owned heating and cooling business (Maroondah Air Group) in the eastern Melbourne suburb of Bayswater. In conjunction with his brother Glenn and another partner, Stuart Lancaster, the business has been successfully operating since 1997. Early interest in cars Dean has had a keen interest in cars from early childhood and says “at a very young age, under 10, I started to have an interest in cars when a friend of my dad bought a HZ Holden station wagon. It was lowered and had hot wires under the guards. It was the first time I had seen a Holden customised and from then I knew what I wanted when I grew up. When I was16 I knew that it would be the HZ wagon. Of course, I could not have a V8 while on...