72 HQ Wags

The Magazine Feature Story #8 https://classiccarsworldwide.com.au FROM SAD TO WOW! ONCE UNLOVED AND SITTING IN A SUBURBAN BACKYARD FOR YEARS GRANT MAHONEY’S 1972 HQ HOLDEN KINGSWOOD WAGON BECAME AN AWARD WINNER. “IT’S NO SHOW PONY THOUGH. IT’S BUILT FOR CRUISING!” Grant Mahoney, 59 years old sign writer from Mitcham, Victoria talks to Classic Cars Worldwide about his 1972 HQ Holden wagon affectionately called ‘Wags’. “When I bought Wags it had been sitting in a suburban backyard for eight to ten years with damaged bench seats, car park dents, lots of bang marks on the roof both sides the length of the car above the gutter, rusty floor, rusty tailgate, rusty cowl area, in fact in typical condition for a 46 year old wagon that had been used by a family” says Grant. “Also, the old motor became very smoky after doing 1,000,000 miles!” Grant purchased Wags in 2015 and it took him two years to bring it from sad to wow. He says “I had a crafted plan e...