58 MGA Roadster

The Magazine Feature Story #13 https://classiccarsworldwide.com.au “IT’S A LIFESTYLE”. MATHEW ATHERTON TALKS ABOUT HIS 1958 MGA ROADSTER, HIS PASSION FOR ALL THINGS MG AND A HUGE HIGHLIGHT – BEING PART OF THE PARADE LAP AT THE 2019 AUSTRALIAN F1 GRAND PRIX IN MELBOURNE 38 years old Mathew Atherton’s life is pretty full on at the moment. Happily married with 2 daughters, the youngest just a few days old at the time of putting this story together plus the daily pressure of running a new business called Dirty Nomad. The business provides towing courses, pre-purchase inspection, pick up and delivery services, detailing and caravan and RV accessories. Mathew is also working on a car detailing range which he is about to drop on his Instagram and Facebook page called MGALIFESTYLE which he is very excited about. “The results are amazing” he says. “These products produce the highest gloss and protection with the strongest hydrophobic range of c...