KEN’S 56 Ford F100

‘KEN’S 56’ – BUILT FOR CRUISING. FROM AN OLD FARM TRUCKTO AWARD WINNER - MR EXCITED’S CHOICE OF THE DAY AT THE 2023 YARRA GLEN CAR SHOW AND TOP 5 ELITE AND BEST PAINT JOB AT THE 2024 UTE NATIONALS IN DANDENONG. KEN SAWREY TALKS TO CLASSIC CARS WORLDWIDE ONLINE ABOUT HIS 1956 FORD F100 PICK-UP. Ex- navy man and now retired, 65 years old Ken Sawrey has had a keen interest in cars from a very early age. “I was the youngest of five boys and I used to watch my brothers do up their cars and motorbikes.” Ken is widowed and lives in Longworry, Gippsland, Victoria. He has three children, Jason, 38 years old and twins Brad and Kate, 36 years old. He also has five grandchildren, After leaving school in 1974 Ken joined the navy in 1976 in which he served for nine years as a cook. He considers himself very lucky and says “I did two six-month deployments to far east Asia which as a young fella at the time was a big eye opener. It was an experience I will never forget. I visited many differ...